The Practice

Without proper diet medicine is of no use, with proper diet there is no use for medicine. – Ayurveda

Holistic Nutrition

Your body was designed to function on proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals obtained through food. Your cells, tissues and organs all require these specific nutrients to perform their function. These should come from the diet. The long-term effects of nutrient deficiencies are what we commonly refer to as chronic disease.

Holistic nutrition identifies nutrient deficiencies and weak areas in the diet. By replenishing nutrients that have become deficient in the body, we essentially give the body the tools it needs to repair itself. A proper diet should therefore form the basis for all forms of treatment, natural or otherwise.

What we eat is half the story of good nutrition – the other half of the story is who we are as eaters.

Holistic nutrition recognizes that you are unique in your dietary needs and there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach that suits everyone. By evaluating your current diet, together with your personal constitution and health challenges, a personalized dietary roadmap can be created; steering you toward improved health and restored vitality.


Iridology is the science, art and practice of reading the eye in order to evaluate a person’s state of health. The iris (colored part of the eye) reveals bodily conditions, inherent weaknesses, levels of inflammation and where it is located, and the changes that take place in a persons’ body according to the way that they live.

It is said that the eye is the window to the soul but over the past 250 years the science of iridology has revealed that the eyes are also a map to the body – enabling us to visualize normal and abnormal states within the body and its’ organs. Iridology is one of the most accurate non-invasive analytical tools we have available to us today. Working synergistically with Functional Medicine and Holistic Nutrition, Iridology provides detailed and accurate analysis which improves the success of any individualized health program.

I believe in iridology and nutrition as the twin guiding stars that will bring in a new profession equally uplifting for both doctor and patient – Dr. Bernard Jensen, holistic nutrition and iridology pioneer.

Mind Body Eating

Mind Body Nutrition focuses on how the mind has a profound influence on the body when it comes to how we metabolize a meal.

More specifically, Mind Body Nutrition looks at the psychophysiology of how digestion, assimilation, calorie burning and all the nutritive functions of the body are literally and scientifically impacted by stress, relaxation, thoughts, beliefs, emotions, pleasure, eating rhythm, eating speed, awareness, our personal story, and more...

To put it another way: What we eat is half the story of good nutrition – the other half of the story is who we are as eaters. That is, the person who we are literally and scientifically influences how we digest, absorb and calorie burn a meal. Previously in the field of nutrition, we’ve made the assumption that the nutritional value of a meal is given exclusively in the nutrients it contains - macronutrients, micronutrients and so on. So if you wanted to know the value of a meal, you’d merely look at the label and the nutrient profile.

But nutrition is way more interesting than that. The error in thinking here, is that just because a food has a specific nutrient content doesn’t mean we will ABSORB all of those nutrients. We need to look at the person who’s ingesting that food. We need to look at how their physiology is being impacted by mind and emotions. We need to ask the question “Are we in the optimum state of digestion, assimilation and calorie burning when we’re eating?”

You can be eating the healthiest food in the universe, but if you aren’t eating under the optimum physiologic state - which happens to be relaxation, then you won’t get even close to receiving the full nutritional value of that meal.

Vitality with Nadira

Your connection to balanced health