Certified Nutrition Practitioner,
Iridiologist & Mind Body Eating Coach

I can help with:


  • Jay Haider
    Before I met with Nadira Azam, my body, my mood, my peace was in dire need of help. I couldn't eat or sleep properly neither do I perform daily tasks in life without having to experience pain and discomfort in my body. My own family doctor of 15 years couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. I had done blood tests, colonoscopy, and even tried meaningless diets. I had no guidance or appreciation for my body at that point. I decided to have one session of Vitality with Nadira and not only did I see a difference, but my entire family and friends noticed the difference. Nadira worked with me step by step and was very accessible.
    Jay Haider

Vitality with Nadira

Your connection to balanced health